Manage Files in the List

You can also allow front-side users to manage the files and folders in the list. Go to the Plugin’s Settings tab to turn this feature on.

Here we use a folder called “Front-End” to hold the files for our front-end users. These users will be able to create and use sub-folders, but they cannot move upwards into the main list.

[eeSFL showfolder="Front-End"]

Upload Files

Processing the Upload

File Limit: 3 files
Size Limit: 2 MB per file.
Types Allowed: jpg, jpeg, png, tif, pdf, zip
Drag-and-drop files here or use the Browse button.

Insert new folder name here File Archive 2024-10-08-01-53 Delete all of the selected items. Insert description text here



Edit Item

Added: ??? | Changed: ??? | Size: ???

Change the name. Some characters are not allowed. These will be automatically replaced. Enter a name that will be shown in place of the real file name. You may use special characters not allowed in the file name. Add a description. Use this field to describe this item and apply keywords for searching.

Item Date Added

Change the date added to the list.

Item Date Changed

Change date the file was last modified.

Move Item

Choose where to move this item. The move will not complete if the item name is found at the destination.

NOTE – Users cannot see the parent folder name, “Front-End”, or move items to folders above the location defined in the shortcode.

This works well for small file lists, but when you need more control and separation, consider adding the File Access Manager extension to allow for multiple file lists. Each list will have completely separate settings and file list directory.

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